Tuesday, January 29, 2008

You really piss me off!

Yes I'm talking to you the dieter, the one who keeps on buying those stupid diet pills and fat burners! Like really, don't you have any common sense? Are you that desperate that you just throw your brains out the window....and here I am offering the truth and you'd rather buy Hoodia! It doesn't work for crying out loud! It's a frickin scam.......did you hear me, it's a frickin scam! Hey listen to me, do you really think that they....(supplement manufactuers) are going to fly all the way to Africa to find Hoodia (starvation aide) and bottle it in a supplement to be mass marketed and sold to you? That would be frickin expensive......if that was the case it would cost you about $200 a bottle.......and even if they did manage to find pure Hoodia and sell it to you.....WHO CARES! STARVING YOURSELF Isn't a solution for permanent weight loss!

You dieters are so frustrating....you try a diet and it doesn't work.......don't you think you would get it by now......get that diet's don't work. No, instead what do you do, you find some other diet and try that instead expecting a different result! YOU MUST BE A DAMN FOOL!!

Listen you don't need B-12 Shots like you're some frickin diabetic or crack head....... you don't need to count no damn points......you don't need a Women's only gym......you want to know what you need............HELLOOOOOO ARE YOU LISTENING!

You need your common sense back...........it took you years to get fat and guess what it's going to take a little while to get the fat off .............so just face it! It may not take years but it certainly won't take weeks to lose 50, 60, even 70 pounds in excess! So do me a favour and screw your head on right. Don't be so gullible and naive to think that your body is different and some "scammy" diet pill is going to work for you. You're dead wrong!

You're skin, bones and muscle aren't you? That means you're human THAT MEANS DIETING, POPPING PILLS won't work! I don't care if it's a doctor that told you.....you need special supplements/drugs to loose weight he's just trying to get rich!

I've said enough if you want to get your common sense back read through some of my articles to find the truth about getting the body you want!


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Eat to Lose Weight For 2008!

"Eat To Lose Weight is not only for someone who wants to lose weight. This change will also support lean muscle tissue gains, as your losing fat and gaining healthy weight (combined with resistance training and moderate aerobics)".

“the reason why people don’t get results is because the wrong information"

If I were to tell you to eat to lose weight, you would think I was insane since most peoples idea of weight loss is cutting back on calories, primarily carbs (calorie deprivation). The majority of us have been taught and or programmed to think that "carbs" (carbohydrates) are bad "carbs" are the enemy. ATTENTION, ATTENTION "carbs" are not the enemy. It's just clever marketing put on by those diet companies so they can sell their diet's that don't work. Yeah, I said it DIET'S DON'T WORK (for more information read my article fad diet's don't work) Let me clarify that any diet that encourages you to cut down on calories will not work. The majority of diet's out there are just different forms of calorie deprivation with fancy titles....like...mmm..South Beach...Atkins. Sure, you may have lost weight momentarily but it will come back if it hasn't already. That's probably why you're reading this article. You tried some fad diet that didn't work. Don't blame yourself it's just good marketing. In addition, these diet gurus know more about your body than you do an unfair advantage. Education and empowerment is the key to long term weight loss and health.

Eat to lose weight explained

The act of eating in itself is asking your body to do work (digestion). As humans over time we have processed, bleached and refined our foods. We've done this for a few reasons, taste, convenience and even status. Kings in early history used to only feast on refined foods; while peasants ate all natural foods. We're not doing our body a favour by processing and refining foods before ingestion. When we eat in this manner our body has less work to do and depending on what we eat food can be more easily stored as fat. The harder the body has to work during digestion the more efficient it becomes of metabolizing food. TEF (thermic effect of food) is also an important factor. The more complex the meal the more energy you expend. When you expend more energy you slightly increase body temperature (that's why it's called thermic). The whole process of TEF can burn up to 10 calories; protein being the most thermic of nutrients and fat being the least thermic of nutrients. Are you still with me? OK, simply increase the frequency of your meals to six times a day every 3-31/2 hrs. Always combine protein, starchy carbohydrate and fibrous carbohydrate in each meal. This ensures increased TEF and metabolism. Don't mistake what I call "Eat to Lose Weight" for another diet. Your body was designed to metabolize natural foods (natural foods taste good). Eating in this method is mostly common sense. Some of us already partially eat this way. Eat to Lose Weight is not only for someone who wants to lose weight. This change will also support lean muscle tissue gains, as your losing fat and gaining healthy weight (combined with resistance training and moderate aerobics).

What to avoid?

Avoid saturated fats, hydrogenated fats, sugars (glucose, sucrose fructose), refined, bleached and processed foods. This includes white rice, white bread and fruits. Did I say FRUITS, yep! I thought fruits were good? They are and don't stop eating them but they contain sugar (fructose), and if weight loss is your primary goal you will want to limit fruits to 1-2 per day. Same thing goes for fruit juices. When you do eat fruit or have any sugars always have them in a complete meal (protein, starchy carbs, fibrous carbs).

What happens when you have sugar?

Cakes, ice-cream, chocolate, cookies and pop all contain sugar (simple carbohydrate). When you put a simple sugar into your digestive tract all that sugar will be absorbed into your bloodstream at once. As a result, you have momentarily high blood sugar. Your pancreas produces two hormones. Insulin (storage hormone) which transports sugars to muscle, liver and fat storage. Glucagon (release hormone) which allows mobilizing of stored fat. You want to keep a healthy balance between glucagon and insulin if you want to create an environment for fat loss. OK, back to the high blood sugar. Your pancreas responds to the high blood sugar level by producing more insulin. When your pancreas is forced to increase insulin it has no choice and must decrease glucagon production. Low glucagon levels means nothing can be released and fat is trapped. In other words if you exercise all day and eat poorly encouraging frequent insulin spikes, you'll never be lean and or muscularly defined because fat is infrequently released. In addition, ingesting foods made with bleached and refined flour have little nutritional value; losing valuable micronutrients through processing, making them “empty calories” that are easily converted into triglycerides and stored as fat. Poor eating habits destroy your body’s fat burning capability. When you "Eat to Lose Weight" you ingest complete meals all the time. Components of a complete meal allow slow release of glucose into the blood stream. This allows the pancreas to maintain a balance between insulin and glucagon hormones.

Final thoughts on eating

Break away from the mind set of three square meals a day. We only eat this way because of culture. Don't think of six meals a day as a burden. If you're honest you probably eat more than six times except its "junk food". There is a whole world of food out there explore and have fun eating healthy. If there were as many commercials for nutritious foods as they are for Mc Donald's and KFC we wouldn't be struggling with a high obesity rate. Remember eating to lose weight is common sense eating. Dairy is ok just purchase low fat. Snacks are ok just make wise choices. When you master your eating you can reward yourself with cheat nights. On cheat nights or days you could eat whatever you want but if you're like me once you experience healthy living junk food is no longer a desire. The problem most people experience is that they don't know what foods to put together combining all three components of protein, starchy carbohydrate and fibrous carbohydrate. I'll solve that excuse when I put out my "Eat to Lose Weight Recipe & Manual"(coming soon).

Chris Walker is the founder of fitnesstrainingformenandwomen.com.com located in Kitchener, Ontario. Chris is a certified fitness trainer, (CFT) and actively works with medical doctors and health care professionals in helping their patients to reduce bodyfat restore musculoskeletal strength and gain control over their blood sugar readings, good and bad blood fats and blood pressure readings, among other critical fitness issues. Chris is a member of International Sports Sciences Association, (ISSA) and Canfitpro Organization. Chris has made TV appearances on Global Television and is a published author. Chris produces a book that he gives to all readers titled, "New Body", everything you need to transform your body.

Click here to get your free copy, ($14.99) value
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Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Colon & Body Cleansing for weight loss?

Any kind of cleanse will not help you lose weight! If you want to clean your system and fancy going on a body cleanse then great, you'll get some clean large and small intestines but don't think you'll drop 30 pounds it's just not so. Now, I like body cleansing it's great for your digestive system and it definitely contributes to your overall health but how they try to sell it to you telling you that all you have to do is go on this 30 day cleanse and you'll be lean. sexy and weigh 30-40 pounds less is just not so!

Why you might lose weight from cleansing!

Ok, now put your thinking caps on, the reason why you might lose weight from cleansing is because most times during a cleanse your cutting back on calories limiting your self to probably a few vegetables and prescribed supplements from the company you chosen to buy your cleansing products from. Now we all know what happens when you cut calories you'll notice temporary weight loss, primarily from water loss and muscle tissue. This isn't anything I haven't told you before if you've read any of my articles. So, my point is that cleansing your body provided no drastic weight loss whatsoever you could of cut calories without it and lost weight. You may also hear that cleansing will speed up metabolism and fat burning, that's not true building muscle does. Ok, let's define some things starting with metabolism, which is the sum total of all chemical reactions that take place in the body or another simpler definition is the speed at which your body burns through food. Now cleansing your body or colon can contribute to a healthy metabolism but not like they make it seem and definitely not without a concern for muscle building. Cleansing your colon is not a major booster of metabolism!

Speeding up your metabolism

Ladies and gents speeding up metabolism and increasing fat burn doesn't come from cleansing your colon it comes from creating multiple muscle sites or in other words exercising and having frequent thermic meals every 3-3 1/2 hours for more about this read "Eat to Lose Weight"


Colon and body cleansing is not a permanent weight loss solution so if you want to lose weight and for some reason you think that having your colon cleansed is a good solution, it's not. Now it has wonderful health benefits like the detoxification of the small and large intestines and a more efficient digestive system so by all means clean your colon but understand if you don't have resistance training, moderate aerobics and good nutrition in place you won't lose weight.

Chris Walker is the founder of fitnesstrainingformenandwomen.com located in Kitchener, Ontario. Chris is a certified fitness trainer, (CFT) and actively works with medical doctors and health care professionals in helping their patients to reduce bodyfat restore musculoskeletal strength and gain control over their blood sugar readings, good and bad blood fats and blood pressure readings, among other critical fitness issues. Chris is a member of International Sports Sciences Association, (ISSA) and Canfitpro Organization. Chris has made TV appearances on Global Television and is a published author. Chris produces a book that he gives to all readers titled, "New Body", everything you need to transform your body.

Hoodia for Weight Loss? No, No!

From the South African desert comes Hoodia, the secret of the Kalahari bushman to suppress appetite and thirst during nomadic hunting trips. Ok, “Suppressing Appetite” is not a weight loss solution. If you want to be thin like the Kalahari bushmen go to Africa get a cutlass and thrash your way through the bush, perhaps then you’ll have permanent weight loss. Hoodia is just another diet pill scam, suppressing appetite is another form of calorie deprivation and the comparison of bushmen in Africa to people in North America cannot be made because the environments are totally different. Their work environment is different, their diet is different, they’re lots of variables we could look at. Hoodia is yet another attempt to take your money.

Hoodia explained!

The proper name for Hoodia is Hoodia gordonii, it can also be listed by it’s other known names: Xhooba, Khoba, Ghaap, Hoodia Cactus, and South African Desert Cactus. Hoodia is an appetite suppressant used by the San bushmen of the Kalahari desert dating as far back as 1937. Hoodia is now commercially sold as supplement or as a tea. If you’re after short term weight loss Hoodia will help you starve yourself but for permanent weight loss, it’s not a solution, there’s no pill out there that is. What works? Only synergy.

Chris Walker is the founder of fitnesstrainingformenandwomen.com located in Kitchener, Ontario. Chris is a certified fitness trainer, (CFT) and actively works with medical doctors and health care professionals in helping their patients to reduce bodyfat restore musculoskeletal strength and gain control over their blood sugar readings, good and bad blood fats and blood pressure readings, among other critical fitness issues. Chris is a member of International Sports Sciences Association, (ISSA) and Canfitpro Organization. Chris has made TV appearances on Global Television and is a published author. Chris produces a book that he gives to all readers titled, "New Body", everything you need to transform your body.

Who the hell is Chris Walker?

My photo
Chris Walker is the founder of Fitnesstrainingformenandwomen.com located in Kitchener, Ontario. Chris manages several certified trainers, (CFT) within his organization and actively works with medical doctors and health care professionals in helping their patients to reduce bodyfat restore musculoskeletal strength and gain control over their blood sugar readings, good and bad blood fats and blood pressure readings, among other critical fitness issues. Chris has helped people to get in shape for their wedding day as well as people battling severe obesity. Chris likes to focus on functional training and likes to incorporate his martial arts background into his programs. Chris is a firm believer of a strong mind and guarantees results for those who don't mind a little hard work. Chris is a member of International Sports Sciences Association, (ISSA) and Canfitpro Organization. Chris has made media appearances on Global Television, Rogers Daytime, The Record News Paper and is a published author of many health and fitness related articles and books.