Soft drinks are great because they are
packed with caffeine and keep you going
through the day, but they are also packed
with sugar. 10-12 spoonfuls of sugar to
be exact.
Can you imagine yourself getting the sugar
jar and dipping your spoon in and taking a
heaping spoonful of sugar? What about 10
spoon fulls? YUK
Many will start losing weight in the first
week if you just skip the Coke or Pepsi at
Soft drinks are a great source of water but
guess what else is a great source of water...
You guessed it, WATER!!
Replace those soft drinks with water and
keep the Pepsi and Coke for lunch or dinner.
Start today, keep the $2.00 in your pocket
instead of the soda machine and drink water
instead. Your teeth will thank you and your
gut will start flattening out.
Make it a great day!
Chris Walker
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