First of all, there are 2 types of carbohydrates. Good ones and
bad ones.
The good carbohydrates (complex) are found in natural foods.
I know natural foods sound yucky, but in realty what were talking
about is fruits like apples, oranges, and bananas.
Good carbohydrates take longer to digest and make you feel
"full" longer. This is a good thing cause you done have to eat
as much to feel satisfied.
Bad carbohydrates (simple), on the other hand are refined
carbohydrates and generally have no nutritional value.
They do provide energy, but they are digested faster, and
so you feel hungry more often.
Ever eat a donut and your back for another donut in 30
minutes? That's Because your body burns through donuts
fast and leave you hungry much sooner.
Try an apple next time. You can go much longer between
Make it a great day!
Chris Walker
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