Monday, May 9, 2011

The Coconut Myth!

Over the next couple of weeks we'll be sharing with you the many benefits of the coconut and tackling the myths that surround the coconut.

The coconut tree is one of the most versatile plants in existence. Whilst we are all familiar with the coconut as a food source not many of us know the myriad of other benefits the coconut holds. In many countries coconut husks are woven into fabrics for mats, insulation and much more. The shells themselves are used as bowls, to make utensils and as flotation devices for rafts. Yet it is the coconut itself that draws the most interest. Coconut flesh has a beautiful taste and is used all over the world in a variety of cooking styles. Coconut milk is gorgeous to drink on its own and also is the chief ingredient in curries all over the world.

Over the years there have been many, many claims made about the natural health benefits of coconut oil mostly surrounding the dietary and medicinal properties that it holds. This is why in the west coconut oil has quickly become a hot consumer product with thousands of companies including it in their beauty products and thousands of recipes including it as an alternative to other oils.

Yet a lot of controversy still surrounds the actual health benefits of coconut and debates still exist as to whether claims of its benefits have been exaggerated. This is where this book comes into play. We have carefully researched the benefits of coconut oil and outlined at length all the fantastic qualities that can come from eating coconut oil and applying it to your skin. We have left out some purported benefits through lack of evidence to support them and hope that this book will go some way to dispelling the myths surrounding coconut oil, whilst providing the reader with knowledge of coconut oil treatments that will be applicable to everyone in their normal lives.

More on this tomorrow.

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Who the hell is Chris Walker?

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Chris Walker is the founder of located in Kitchener, Ontario. Chris manages several certified trainers, (CFT) within his organization and actively works with medical doctors and health care professionals in helping their patients to reduce bodyfat restore musculoskeletal strength and gain control over their blood sugar readings, good and bad blood fats and blood pressure readings, among other critical fitness issues. Chris has helped people to get in shape for their wedding day as well as people battling severe obesity. Chris likes to focus on functional training and likes to incorporate his martial arts background into his programs. Chris is a firm believer of a strong mind and guarantees results for those who don't mind a little hard work. Chris is a member of International Sports Sciences Association, (ISSA) and Canfitpro Organization. Chris has made media appearances on Global Television, Rogers Daytime, The Record News Paper and is a published author of many health and fitness related articles and books.